What we do

Dentists and Surgeries

Start working with Phelan...

Casinos were one of the first sectors that Phelan became truly established in as a leading contractor. Over the past three decades, we have worked in dozens of establishments throughout Essex, London and the wider UK.
Ecdlcontractors is many casino operators go-to choice for refurbishments and fit-outs due to a long track-record of high quality work, excellent standards of customer care, and our ability to drop our tools and make ourselves disappear when a high-flying customer arrives and requires the casino to be in full operation. We recognise that many casino establishments need to work with discretion, diligence and usually as a live environment in order to continue trading and not lose revenue. We therefore act with care, compassion and consideration throughout all our casino work to ensure our customers remain happy and continue working with us over many years.

Century Casinos

Century Casino Casino Fit-Out

Ecosystem and it's Beautiful Nature

Genting Casinos UK Ltd

Genting Casino, Westcliffe
Casino Refurbishment

Ecosystem and it's Beautiful Nature

Grosvenor Casinos

Park Tower Casino Casino Refurbishment

Ecosystem and it's Beautiful Nature

Genting Casinos UK Ltd

Genting Resorts World, Birmingham Mixed Use Fit-Out

Ecosystem and it's Beautiful Nature

Global Gaming Ventures

Victoria Gate Casino, Leeds Super Casino Fit-Out

Ecosystem and it's Beautiful Nature

Grosvenor Casinos UK

Golden Horseshoe Casino, Bayswater Sumptuous Refurbishment

Ecosystem and it's Beautiful Nature

Sectors we operate within